In addition to this, I am in the process of cleaning up my newly acquired Donnington Miniatures horse archers which arrived this week. I need to give a bit of thought on how I'll paint these chaps up. Assuming they originated from an area of Roman's eastern European conquests, possibly present day Hungary or Romania and seem to be quite lightly armoured I wonder if a brown cream palate would suit them?
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Painting Priorities
In addition to this, I am in the process of cleaning up my newly acquired Donnington Miniatures horse archers which arrived this week. I need to give a bit of thought on how I'll paint these chaps up. Assuming they originated from an area of Roman's eastern European conquests, possibly present day Hungary or Romania and seem to be quite lightly armoured I wonder if a brown cream palate would suit them?
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Saluting Salute
Photocredit: Phil
On arrival Phil, my companion for the day and I felt a little like royalty, having advance tickets we were whisked past the queues straight in, a benefit of advance booking. I was pleased my moment of organisation in an otherwise chaotic life paid off.
I never fail to be astounded by the huge variety of games on display and the very high standards of painting and building being exhibited. A portion of those that caught my eye can be seen below.
Monday, 23 April 2012
"Legions Form Up!"
So far I am pleased with the over all finish. In this instance I took a different approach to the wash. I used two washes. First a sienna pin wash which was restricted to the flesh areas to provide low lights on the face and limbs.
The shields were hand painted as promised. However I did not bother with the ivory highlight since after doing a couple I could not see and real difference to the finish. Previously I have been guilty of not knowing when to stop painting to disastrous results, so I am pleased with my self discipline on being able to put the paint brush down and not make a total mess of the shields by adding endless amounts of detail that nobody will be able to see!
Friday, 20 April 2012
The Scrape at the Escape
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
A 6mm Discovery

I can't recall who manucatured the vehicles but the figures are Irregular I think, handily pre-based in groups of four.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Third Tournamant Game
On Thursday evening my Mid Republic Romans well see action once more. I am playing my final group B game against Simon's Pyrrhic army in the club's B4AD tournament. To make it into the next round I not only need to win, but win big against an established player who is vastly more experienced at Field of Glory than I am. According to the current standings I need a victory of 25 points or over to make it to the knockout stages of the competition. This is a big ask considering my inexperience with the rules. To date I have played five, won one, drawn one, lost three.
So by Friday morning the following questions will be answered:
How will I perform against Simon’s Pyrrhic Army in this last group B game?
Will I do enough to win, and if so by how much?
Are Andy’s purpose built Roman crushing cataphracts safely though to the next round?
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Some examples of shields done earlier
I guess the key to success in this job is patience combined with consistency. So how patient and consistent can I be?
Saturday, 14 April 2012
To add a bit of interest to the battle groups I have included some figures from command packs to act as centurions and signifers on some of the bases.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Vicksburg or Bust
We played a historical scenario of the Confederate ironclad CSS Arkansas running a gauntlet of Union ships. She steamed down the Yazoo and onto Mississippi to reach the safety of the Confederate Garrison at Vicksburg.
The Arkansas started on the Yazoo, a tributary of the Mississippi. From the outset of the action I realised the Arkansas had one option open to her. Being out numbered three to one on the Yazoo by Union ships, with a further eight ships moored on the west bank of the Mississippi waiting to join the action as soon as the Arkansas came into sight. The only possible tactic was not to hang around go as hard as I could to get past the Union ships before they could get their stem up and cast off. If I managed to hit anything on the way past it would be a bonus.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Fun Shopping
So what's on my shopping list ;
Well more early Imperial Romans
Some mounted commanders
Some more archers
Some slingers
Some principes to start my Mid-Republican Roman army
and maybe some dead guys for cohesion markers
I also need some measuring sticks because I am continually borrowing my opponent’s ones.